Eye & Cancer Protection In One Supplement
And how to figure out your personalized dosage!
We live in an ever growing toxic world.
We must protect our eye sight. And the risk of getting cancer, which is occurring in younger, seemingly healthier Americans.
Is there a magic nutraceutical?
Nothing is really magic. But this nutraceutical seems to come close.
This nutraceutical works, as we sleep, to protect against macular degeneration. An aging eye disease that is a major cause of blindness.
It’s called age-related macular degeneration or AMD.
As we age, many people begin to experience degeneration of the macula. A central part of the retina.
Approximately 11 million people in the U.S. suffer with vision loss. Because of AMD.
Scientists have been looking for ways to prevent or stop the progression of this disease for many years.
There is progress, but no cure. However…
In my practice, patients that take this supplement, along with a second, which I will share later down this blog, within a year, tend to have their ophthalmologists say at their next exam…
“You shockingly but marvelously now have 30 to 50% improvement of your AMD! I have not seen this before!”
Often my patients ask…
“Do you want to know what I am doing?”
These eye docs, healers of eyes, right? Often answer…
“No, but keep doing what you are doing.”
Or my patients are too timid to admit they take nutrients.
They shyly, with heads down, admit to me they are fearful of getting reprimanded. Even though their eyes got better.
They can see better.
But this improvement of AMD is not something ophthalmologists normally see.
But, it’s common in my practice. Not a complete reversal but often dramatic improvement.