
I take 400 mg a day and then if I feel I’m under a lot stress I take more and I had breast cancer 30 some years ago ago and I’ve been on hormone replacement for 28 years so there you have it

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This article was perfect timing for me. I just got back from the gynecologist who was shocked that I was taking 400 mg of progesterone. She tried to tell me that adding progesterone to my Biest, daily, increases my risk of cancer. She claimed that there were studies on this. I was very respectful, but I told her that I listened to hormone experts who had 30 to 40 years of experience in hormones, and left it at that.

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I wish i could find a solid answer for this. Can progesterone be absorbed transdermally? i’ve seen research it does and then many other

doctors say no. i’m not talking combined therapy, just when someone wants to add just progesterone..like in the progesterone declining phase of perimenopause.

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Yes, and anyone who says no is absolutely an anti-science person and never thought I would say that word!!!! Many many smart doctors have been prescribing topical progesterone for decades.

Remember that scene with Cher slapping Nicolas Cage across the face “snap out of it!

There is no debate topical progesterone works incredibly well and whoever says it run the opposite direction. They don’t know what they’re talking about you gads all this misinformation it’s stunning I think that people think that will become an expert if they make other people fearful fear cells lots of people want to be entrepreneurial experts they want to have the biggest number of followers online so maybe they just look for fearful stuff. Use fear to get more people to follow them and stay confused get unconfused topical progesterone is Fabulous.

Blessings, bye-bye.

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I've been doing transdermal progesterone for a long time. It works great for me. Absorbs nicely.

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Estrogen supplementation is harmful. Men as well as women can benefit from progesterone. Nobody should take estrogen.

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wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong but love your right to give your opinion yah yah yah yah. up with choice. you get to not take estrogen. good for you. we need the right for all our opinions and the right to choose our own health care. god bless. dlb

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