My gynecological oncologist wants to have me remove my ovaries and fallopian tubes because they found a new cyst smaller than an eraser tip on a pencil. The other cyst on my right ovary has been there for 20 years. Being that I am post menopausal, BRCA 2 and my sister has Ovarian Cancer this surgeron she is really nervous for me. I have been on plant based hormones for 20 years. Estrodial, Progesterone, and Testosterone. I think very clearly but am very nervous about having this surgery or not having it. What do you think I should do.

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In my book Natural Answers for Women's Health Questions by Rodale Press I have an old time homeopathic formula for ovarian cysts that used to get rid of many cysts as long as not endometriomas, prooven to be gone by fu US. Check it out. But it is educational information and I cannot treat anyone online but it is an interesting read. dlb

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oh so sorry. can't answer this.

It is illegal to give direct health advice to anybody online omg the legal internet police would show in a white golf cart and hit me over the head with a golf club.

you need to consult with primary care docs or consider having a consult with me at drlindseyberkson.com consult section. i have a chapter on hormones and bc and the BRCA gene in my book safe hormones, smart women fyi. You might also want to read my ebook on hormones and breast cancer survivors even though its not exactly your case or estrogen vindication which will give you critical info. hope this helps best to you.

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I am also pondering putting out that someone can do a ONE question only 15 minute Q & A with me for so much, we are working on that, this MIGHT fill that in. But not sure.

Anyhow, best wishes, truly.

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I would love that!!!!! or i'd be willing to pay for a 1/2 hour consultation.

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Thank you for your quick response. I have the surgery scheduled for November, so i still have time to do more research.

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