Dec 12, 2023Liked by devaki berkson

I agree the answer is 'Yes' Dr DLB. Your sage words 'we live on a planet of duality, we love, we hate, there is light, there is dark' sums it up 'for me'; and isn't hate but a hormone, regulated by our brain, and capacity to think? Evolution, in theory, suggests enlightenment, improvement. The couplet* by Roman poet Cattallus in 54 BCe comes to mind "... I hate & I love, I do not why I do these things, all I know is I hate and I love ....". So how is evolution going? Are we any more endowed to answer Cattullus? Seems to me, more than ever, man's assault on his fellow man and the lust for power and politics is undeterred by 2,200 years of 'evolution'.

* Courtesy of my country's great Actors Jack Thompson.

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Well said. We are living in an upside down world. There is a coordinated evil agenda happening and so many gullible people buy right in.

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This behavior is shocking and it something that seems to be going on around the world in different forms.. How can humanity accept this????

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While I do not support Hamas extreme view in any manner neither Israel's murderous genocidal position on mostly unarmed innocent Gazans, using US taxpayer planes, bombs etc to do this dark deed and basing their legitimacy on biblical foundations all the while living as hedonistic secular lives as can be.

This is not going to end well.

Well written as always Dr. B., well written.

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