Just ran into this difficulty last week. Had a long-awaited appt with a naturopath last week who, when I stated what I was there for (new Rx for BHRT since Dr Collin retired), said, she doesn't 'do' that stuff at all. 2nd doc to say that. She referred me down the road to someone who supposedly does. it's not only the patients who aren't using hormones, it's the docs too. i remember before the WHI, how many docs were so (maybe too) quick to write Rxs for hormones; it was so much more common then before the early 2000s.

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My credit card had to be suspended because of fraud. It isn’t letting me update with new credit card.

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reach out to admin@drlindseyberkson.com

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Irresponsible and cruel is right. I've seen so many women suffer needlessly when estrogen could have possibly prevented some or most of their issues. A massive tragedy.

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ugh. right on. cruel. stupid. arrogant. so fatigued over it all. glad i am on hormones. ha. dlb

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Yes, to a live conference in Chicago! I took your Everything Homrones Course and gained much knowledge. This has beneifted my patients profoundly! I treat undocumented women who have been even more marginalized than most of us by our healthcare system. I consider their hormone and sexual health as critical to their well being. Thank you for continuing to promote the truth. This is an exciting time for women! Yet, we have much work to do. I stand with you.

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What do you think of using estriol cream for the face? Maybe you’ve written about it and I missed it..

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