Aug 29, 2022Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

It is also useful to remember that commercial alcohol has a ton of chemicals added to it from planting and growing to aging and final bottling. The Australians are famous for learning what taste the current wine reviewers are after and tinkering with chemicals to achieve that taste. There is no dispute that many of these chemicals are carcinogenic and generally disruptive to one's mitochondrial health.

Making one's own raw, fermented alcohol is a good way to approach the desire to drink. It also provides natural B vitamin complexes -- the best scientific guess I could find on B vitamins was that there are 50-100 B vitamin complexes that one's body is supposed to produce itself.

On another note, product placement of alcohol in everything from movies to magazine shoots is a pervasive and undeclared issue.

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well said, thanks.

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The 2nd paragraph under How Much Alcohol is Too Much? says ON per day instead of ONE per day. Since this is the punch line, you may want to correct this.

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ah thanks so very much. takes a village. ha. have a great Sunday.

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Hello Lindsey - thank you so much for this reminder about alcohol consumption - I appreciated the message enough to print and keep with me and read from time to time.


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Thanks for this 'vino' article, I have already started limiting my intake thinking it is messing with my gut. Now it's not a daily thing & when I do drink I'll dilute it with water & I can hardly tell the difference. Thanks for talking about the cancer aspect.

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thanks for taking time to say thanks. you know i have lost some close friends that were heavy drinkers to alcoholic related deaths. Alcohol rinses all the "good stuff" that lines the throat and all southerly, "out', when we drink too much. Good for your dilution trick! dlb

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