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My article is titled

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Hyponatremia is an emergency and this puts the adrenals in charge.

Salt addition/salt + water relieves dehydration and turns off the adrenals and all the adrenocortical hormones.

Stress is aided with the addition of salt.

Healing begins with salt + water.

Dementia is overly represented in women, why?

Women have greater salt requirements because their reproductive organs are moisture reservoirs.

Chronic dehydration or low salt = chronic adrenal control which causes either adrenal fatigue or hyperplasia.

Adrenal hyperplasia = salt sensitives

All symptoms of dehydration/hyponatremia should be taught as first aid

A headache is not a signal to take a Panadol.

It’s a brain aching from the receding tide of saline moisture.

Brain fog/confusion/memory loss indicate dehydration/hyponatremia.

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