May God bless both of you! Amazing information that is so helpful. I am almost 72 years old & feel better than I did in my 40s! Dr Brownstein has really helped me manage my thyroid and hormones. Thank you so much.

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Wow, having listened to David speaking at A4M conferences back in 2008, I've been practicing this for 16 years. It seems hard to believe that doctors *still* need to be educated about iodine. I'll admit, I'm influenced by Alan Gaby and thus I'm a bit more conservative with iodine than David (consider me about halfway between Alan and David).

To anyone reading this, if you haven't run a 24 hour Iodine loading test and measured fluoride and bromine too then do the test! After you do it the first time, I'd recommend taking iodine for a month or more and running the tests again. This can be very "educational".

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Thank you to both Dr. B's! Appreciate you both so much! Excellent material and I can't wait for Everything Hormones course, I am all registered!

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Absolutely brilliant. I have pancreatic cancer and prior to that was diagnosed with mild hashimoto. My antibodies and TSH were high but my T3 and T4 were still normal. I had no idea that iodine deficiency could but the root cause of all this. Gonna get my urine tested and go from there and up my supplementation

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Just wow, wow, wow! Thank you Dr. Berkson and Dr Brownstein. This was a fantastic webinar ... so full of outstanding facts on the importance of iodine.

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Dr. Brownstein, it’s so wonderful to find you again and hear your excellent perspective! I’m the compounding pharmacist in OK who followed your iodine protocol 10 years ago to eliminate thyroid nodules in four months (I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s - which the hypothyroid status seems to have resolved after healing my leaky gut - and still take Iodoral once a month.) You actually called me to encourage me, for which I will be ever grateful. I’m desperate to help my darling but currently miserable 69-yo obese DM2 (I.e., very estrogenic) husband is in hospital with “great balls afire” and epididymitis (the ER physician palpated a cyst) and on two IV antibiotics. I’m theorizing that I could start him on Iodoral with the companion supplements and paint his scrotum with Lugol’s; couldn’t hurt, could it? Maybe add a drop of DMSO or turpentine topically?

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So based on this webinar, is it Lugou's liquid 2% that can be used? How do you mask the taste?

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