Jul 30Liked by devaki berkson

I was waiting for your response to counter Dr Mercola. He makes me so angry! Thank you Dr B for your continued research and keeping us information!!

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Thank you for helping tease out the problems with Mercola's latest work, Dr. B. I don't understand the reason for his vilifying stance, but he is clearly as guilty of data manipulation as all the entities he's been critical of over the past 20+ years.

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I have been on Bioidentical hormone replacement for years. I am a believer!

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Me too -- bi-est, progesterone & testosterone for the last 6 years -- love them!

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I too saw Mercola’s response. It makes me sad for all the women who don’t have access to the real hormone experts such as yourself.

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Dr. Abs in London on You Tube told about a study done years ago on patients in nursing homes. They had testosterone applied to their skin and it significantly removed wrinkles and thickened their skin. Estrogen nor progesterone nor pregnenoline did NOT produce the same results. The testosterone did not increase their levels in their blood when applied topically. It only dramatically reduced their wrinkles and thickened their skin. Dr. Mercola would probably say this was dangerous too. He's done a lot of good for many people but I think as he ages he gets more anal and appears to be getting old man brain disease. He always has to do more than others and brags too much about his own health status. Old man brain disease.

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I did see it yesterday what Mercola put down. 😡

Again he did it. Next time when he will be borne pls make him women & let him suffer.

Glad I know better thanks to Dr. Berkson🙏🏻 👍❤️

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I don’t want him to suffer. I just don’t want a lot of women to become inappropriately fearful of something that could help them out so much but it’s not like I want other people to suffer a bit. I get what you’re saying. Good luck to us all bye-bye dlb

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But he’s spreading wrong information and women who believe what he is writing, they suffer! That’s wrong!

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Do you think it's possible that CEE may act more like a SERM and be even more protective for the breast? I'm not for a nano-second advocating its use over biHRT (especially properly balanced HRT), but I wonder if there's something extra-protective in the breast with Premarin . . . I believe I remember you saying, "Even the worst estrogen is better than no estrogen."

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In the 10 Million Study both Premarin (estrogen from pregnant mares) and estradiol (de novo estrogen) protected women against getting brreast cancer. Premarin did a slightly better statistical job. But it is oral/ We don't recommend oral which has been linked in that same study with diverse other issues. So breast protection is one thing and there are many other nuances. Premarin also blocks ER beta which is our anti-cancer estrogen receptor. Not good. Thus many points. thanks dlb

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Mercola also rubs progesterone on his gums

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Thank you for all this. I 'tink' better myself. Haha. Seriously, am on BHRT for 15+ years and will not go off for anything.

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There is plenty of data that shows estrogen is carcinogenic. The purpose of estrogen is to promote rapid cell growth, especially during repair processes and lining the uterine wall prior to ovulation. You don't want estrogen to be higher than it is.

In fact, you want it to be lowish because if it's lowish, that indicates you're healthy and don't need those repair processes.

To inject or use estrogen is foolhardy and has been tried many times with very poor results.

I've cited this before here so I won't do it again. Thanks so much for your work.

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This is an article that addresses those concerns. I have lots of citations at the bottom.


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