May 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

"We women in the US have been bred to compete with our sisters, rather than unite when it comes to individual female success." Wow. Just wow. So incredibly true, but sad. Our power comes from our unity, not individual prowess. When a woman is aged, and is no longer perceived to have the "important" things needed to compete with we tend to discard or minimize her. So we help create our own issues. Shame on us. We can do better together ❤️

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May 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Thank you!! I forwarded your article with my note:

First, we need to clean our personal bias against our own aging and.....accept it. Graying hair, wrinkles and sagging body can be embraced, loved and

cherished with Gratitude. It is the base and seat of our soul and the wisdom starts right there , in the body that is constantly changing. Nature's way to help us evolve and, how we use it is up to us.

The author is not different with her view than the rest of us, taking pride in her youthful appearance

And it is well deserved as she won many "battles" having 16 surgeries and 2 cancers. She is a Scholar who never quits learning being blessed with superior intelligence and wisdom.

Ability to view our aging with a wink and smile, uniting the conflicting and opposing views while allowing the old ones to slowly fade away.....that is the Magic and Gift from the Higher Mind.

And the perfect JOY.


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I agree 100%. Our elders, specifically the women who have shaped us, taken in other’s children, broken glass ceilings… should be saluted and appreciated.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Brilliant. It does begin with ourselves. Self love and self care and staying supportive of other older women to continue to flourish!

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May 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Another very interesting topic. As I am now also 'older' I am more aware of these bias. It is also interesting that old 'people' are perceived as less smart/intelligent than younger 'people', so I wonder at what age we become less intelligent. i have only recently become to appreciate the lines and wrinkles on aging faces, and love the grey hair fad that we are seeing currently, Thankyou Dr. B.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

Hi Dr. B - appreciate your thoughts on this. Ever since you did a podcast on this a while ago, I have really paid attention to this. It has prompted me to "notice" other women, especially those who might be older than me and to give acknowledgement and an uptick of appreciation. What wise words regarding the need to support other women. I appreciate Ana's comment about "cleaning up our personal bias against our own aging." you words also inform how you have lived and cultivated a much better model for aging and growing in wisdom! Thank you again for your wise words and always well written essay.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson

So much work must have gone into this, Lindsay. Thank you for all your efforts!

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